Friday, February 24, 2012

Unproductive... and kinda proud of it.

My days seem to pass by without even waving goodbye. We've been trying to figure out a schedule, but it doesn't seem to be on Lil' C's agenda to stick to one quite yet. She's been a good baby over all and I can't really complain. However, the past couple nights have been rough for me. She's been waking up between 1-2, then 3-4, then at 6 and is awake till about 9... It makes for a long start to the day. Throughout the day, her schedule of sleeping/eating changes by the minute. I have to carefully decide what I'm going to try to get done that day, cus I can only sneak in a few minutes approx every hour. The poor thing just wants to be held all the time!

But I don't blame her. Who doesn't love to cuddle and be loved?!?

I love holding her and watching the faces that she makes. I love looking at her features and checking out her little ears, nose, and toes. She's just so precious and how can anyone not want to enjoy their little babe, esp when they are only young for a short time.

However, then chores like folding laundry goes from a quick jaunt to a 3-day event:

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sweet Baby is Here!

It's been a few months since I've posted. I seriously need to get better at this! But this time I really do have a pretty darn good excuse. On the morning of January 31, 2012, our sweet little baby girl came into this world and made us into a family of three. The birth went well - I'm not gonna lie, it was tough - but everyone is healthy and happy and we've had a wonderful couple of weeks getting used to everything changing as we take on the role of parents for this tiny little thing.

I can't believe how happy she has made me! This little tiny bundle of sinful flesh. I pray that we can bring her up properly and not slack in showing our devotion to God and love for Him to this little babe. My prayer is that she chooses to follow Him and grow in the knowledge of having Christ as Savior.

Thank you Lord for this gift!