Friday, September 20, 2013

It's a I-Can-Do-Everything attitude.

Superwoman I am not!

I am the type of person that feels (in most cases) it's just easier to do everything myself. Otherwise you're spending all your time telling or showing the other person what to do or how to do it.

But I am realizing more and more that I can't do everything myself.

Cleaning, cooking, working, mothering, wife-ing, and being preggo at the same time.... it's exhausting! I have to realize that there are limitations and sometimes a person just has gotta ask for help. Well, that or just not get some things done. Which, speaking of, my house is quite dirty, the bathrooms haven't been cleaned in almost 2 weeks, I haven't vacuumed in 4 days, the pantry is due for a stock-up shopping trip, and I have many cards to get in the mail! Oh, and I need to pay some bills.

Oh well. I do what I can.

And I'll procrastinate a little more and just look at this picture from our recent camping trip... it makes me happy. :)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Rain in May... oh wait... it's September!

Colorado has been getting hit with torrential downpours the past week. We have flooding all over the area, and while my own family and friends are safe from danger, there are many people who are missing, a few who have lost their lives, and many who have lost everything that they own. It's scary how powerful the roaring waters can be and there's no way to stop it once it does get moving.
Photo from
Mr Wonderful has been dealing with some of the disaster from a water standpoint (sounds kinda funny in this situation, huh?). He's a water operator for a multitude of small water systems here in the metro area and he has been working hard making sure that his clients have clean drinking water. For instance, last night he ended up leaving at 9pm and didn't get home until after 3:30 this morning! Several of his plants are in the danger zone and they've had to man one of them almost non-stop to keep filters clean and the pumps working. They are waiting to check on the other ones, but are currently unable to because of the washed out roads.
Photo from
Photo from
It's just so sad to watch the devastation and think about all the families that have lost their homes, their properties, cars, pets, etc. To see it so close to us makes me consider the value of what we have/own. I want to go through stuff and get rid of the unnecessities.
Photo from

We're expecting more rain tonight... additional downpours actually. Even our yard can't handle any more moisture. So we'll see what additional damage happens tomorrow morning. Keep your thoughts and prayers headed this way! There are a lot of people here that need it!