This year we put together a family newsletter. Well, I put one together. :) It was all I could do to get hubby to agree that it might be good to let people know how we've been. Lol. But it was nice to write out some of the events of this past year. I'd like to make it a yearly thing... if nothing else but for my own benefit. But hopefully this next year I can finish it before the last minute rolls around. Literally! I finished the 2012 'year in review' letter the morning of Christmas!
Resolutions - I used to make resolutions... but then like almost every other person out there, I'd break them before the snow began to melt. So I'm trying to be realistic this year. Here is what I'd like to do:
Digital - There are a lot of things that I want to do, but I know that I can't do all of them. Yes, I have come to that conclusion. Now, if only I could get my brain to remember that. :) I do know that I need to keep up with the latest trends and keep my design skills up to date. So that is one of my goals this year. I don't have a set amount or time to put toward this goal. I'm really just leaving it open-ended. But I do need to work on some designs in my free time ('free time' - what's that?! Lol!).
Caffeine - I'm addicted to Starbucks. It's a problem. And my Christmas shopping experiences this year didn't help...every trip out warranted a Venti treat for me. Lol! So I need to work at limiting my treats to myself. I got a couple really nice travel mugs this year for Christmas, so coffee from home is my goal. Not to say that I won't enjoy a cup or two at the famous coffee spot, but that's all it will be... one or two a month. I think that's doable. :)
Domestic - I'm a busy working mom and it's been difficult to maintain the house along with taking care of my hubby and baby, keeping dinner on the table, getting laundry done, etc all while working a full-time job. Needless to say, I haven't done a fabulous job in any of these areas. I really would like to be better at maintaining the house, pre-planning meals (so that I'm not digging through the cupboards at the last minute trying to figure out something to make for dinner), and staying on top of my own messes (ie stacks of magazines, to-do quilts, letters to write). I think it'll make my hubby happier and teach Munchie the importance of taking pride in one's home.
Spending - Along with my coffee-splurges, I have been a little free with general spending. Even though we are a dual-income family, I really need to be better at living under a single-income household. Hubs has been doing so well at putting extra on the house and I have been paying for all the other necessities. But I haven't limited my fun spending. If we need clothes or a fun meal or new shoes or there's a sale on fabric, etc then I don't hesitate to spend a little more that month. But this year I'm going to be extra careful on limiting those extra purchases.
Motherly Duties - My daughter is growing up way too quickly. And she is proving her smarts at an increasing rate. So I have my work cut out for me. It is important for me to teach her young and teach her well and while this is quite scary for me, I can't just sit back and wish it not so. Thus, I need to get on the train and figure out some good things for us to do together - constructive things, but fun at the same time.
So there are some of my to-dos for this year. I tried to keep them simple, but they are all necessary. Here's to a good 2013! Happy New Year!