Satan has really been attacking us lately and it's been a rough couple of weeks. Well, it's been a rough couple of months actually.
Hubs had been working long hours. They had a couple guys get fired this summer, and then one quit just before Christmas. Then just after the new year, they bought a competitor company and absolved all of those contracts as well. So we hadn't really seen much of daddy and even when he'd be home he was answering emails or on the phone dealing with more issues. Poor guy.
I've been busy with trying to keep the house at least a little clean, keeping the fridge stocked and dinner on the table (usually last minute), and prepping for birthdays and finishing up our Christmas letter which is now super belated. Our budget is kicking my tooshie and month after month I'm over the amount that we've set for our family. So to try to help out financially, I've been doing a little photography work, some design work and also started a craft business with my mom and trying to make things to sell for that. It's actually all a little overwhelming, but I'm doing the best I can with it all.
Munchie found her voice and has been talking non-stop, even more than before. I didn't think it was possible, but wow! There are so many things to say throughout the day and she has such a grown up vocabulary. I've found her putting together sentences and putting brand new words in the right place within the sentence. If only I could get her to sit down long enough to actually learn her letters and numbers. :) She knows them...just doesn't know what they look like. I'll definitely have to be creative with this active child.
She has also hit her defiant stage. Oh boy! It's been a challenge to maintain a happy and calm situation here at home. I'm sure a big part of it is the lack of attention now that she has a younger brother to share mommy & daddy with. And sleep has become more of a challenge, both for nap time and bed time and throughout the entire night.
And talking about finding a voice... Monkey has such a high pitch piercing scream and his stubborn side is coming out with a vengeance. I remember this stage with Munch, but it seems so much harder this time around. Everything is extremely dramatic and he gets his feelings hurt way to quickly. But he also is a happy giggly little man and while one minute he may be making our hair fall out, the next he makes it impossible to not laugh along with him.
So that's a rundown of what's been going on around our little home as of late. This mama is one tired lady.