Friday, March 9, 2012

A Mission of Unaccomplishment

So it's already noon and what have I accomplished today? Um, not much...depending who you ask. :) Lil' C has eaten (many times!), we had 3 diaper changes (one was a total blowout which required a complete outfit change and some heavy duty cleanup), made the bed, checked some emails, and luckily she decided that she needed a nap as that allowed me to get a shower and get cleaned up (this doesn't happen every day).

Today we're heading out to roam a local mall. We're meeting up with Nani (grandma) and Great Aunt B. Trying to decide which carrier to bring... probably the Moby, as that is so far Lil' C's favorite for long periods of time.

Whoops. She's awake now! Time to eat again probably. :)

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